How to get to Varna part 1
by dok in Tips and tricks on 2013-05-22
Bulgaria is situated in the heart of the Balkan Peninsular and has always been a crossroad of cultures, folks, traders and travellers. In ancient times our lands connected the Eastern and the Western Roman Empire. Nowadays Bulgaria is the connection between Asia and Europe. And that is one of the reasons why many tourists come to Varna right after visiting Istanbul.
There are a few ways how to get from Istanbul to Varna but, undoubtedly, the easiest one is by bus. Two companies operate daily routes: Metro plus (with buses departing at 09:00 and 19:30) and Nisikli Travel (with buses departing at 09:00 and 20:00). If you choose this type of transport, the whole trip will be around 9 hours and will cost you 60 leva.


If you decide to take the train you should get on the train to Sofia. It leaves Istanbul at 22:00 and you should get down in Dimitrovgrad (at 06:31). To come to Varna, you should take a bus and here you have two options: at 07:10 and 07:50 which will arrive in Varna at 13:00 and 13:20, respectively. Yes, it will take you more than 15 hours and you will probably be more tired than ever at your arrival to Varna.
If you are not a fan of the long trips and prefer to travel by plane, it is quite disappointing to find out that there is no direct flight between the two cities. But you can fly first from Istanbul to Sofia - two regular flights every day at 07:30 and 19:35. Flights from Sofia to Varna - look here.